
This project was as my test Exam for my studies at Alfa-college, for this project I challenged myself to make a clone/crossover of "Universe Sandbox2" and "Kerbal Space Program" this was one of the more challenging project I have had, especially because of the research. From some pretty basic physics math to all-out astrophysics.


The most challenging task was the research needed for this game, for example how to calculate from XYZ (cartesian) coordinates to the coordinates I was familiar with from Kerbal Space Program, Universe Sandbox2 and Space Engine. These coordinates are from real math used in astrophysics (here is an example of one of the formulas used in this application)

Test Exam

this project was made for my test master's thesis (proef-meesterproef in Dutch), and was made according to all rules Alfa-college has to obtain a diploma.